

Ground Services Captain
Mr. GP Gupta

From The Desk Of Our Captain

Dear Smiling Teammates,

We welcome you to the month of May, as this month has been special for all of us. I would like to congratulate you all as SpiceJet will be completing 18 years of operation on 23rd May 2023, making this edition a special one for us all. This journey of 18 years is a combined effort and with the support of each one of us.

‘Knowledge is like a Garden; if it is not cultivated, it cannot be harvested. Any story of success begins with Knowledge. In this May 2023 Edition of our magazine we will talk about ‘Knowledge’ under ‘Nurture your talent’ series and will showcase why having knowledgeis important for in our career growth.

In this edition we have included some great videos in our section ‘Hot Shots’ which will surely will make you smile. Keep Smiling ☺.

We say India is the land of Gods and Goddess. In this edition we will take you to the land of Lord Gorakhnath ‘Gorakhpur’ under ‘My City My Place’ series. Besides being known for its monuments and temples, it has several beautiful places to visit.

We would like to thank you all for your participation in SpicyReflection Quiz and also would like to congratulate Mr. Madhu Daruru from Tirupati team for winning the SpicyReflection Quiz (April 2023 Edition). We wish all the best to all the other participants for our May 2023 Quiz.

‘Nothing you wear is more important than your Smile’ and with our ‘Smile Campaign’ we have created moments of happiness within the team and also with our customers. We should all work together to keep the happiness quotient high for all our team members as well as for our passengers. We need to continue our focus on service with Eye contact, Smile and Greetings at all the customer touch points. We congratulate each one of you for your great efforts. Please keep it up!

We are sure you will enjoy this edition of SpicyReflection filled with knowledgeable and interesting facts. Please do share your feedback / ideas for the next edition. Also enjoy our fun filled social media page “SpicyReflection” on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.

Keep Reading and Sharing!!

Jai Hind!

Your Captain

GP Gupta

SERIES: "Nurture Your Talent"

Propel your career through Knowledge

Knowledge is understanding and awareness of something. It refers to the information, facts, skills, and wisdom acquired through learning and experiences in life. Knowledge is a very wide concept and has no end.

Acquiring knowledge involves cognitive processes, communication, perception, and logic. It is also the human capacity to recognize and accept the truth.

Knowledge can be used for positive as well as negative purposes. Thus knowledge can create and destroy at the same time. One may use knowledge for personal progress as well as the progress of the community, city, state, and nation. Some may use it for negative purposes that may not only harm individuals but can also harm the community.

What is meant by knowledge?

The fact or condition of knowing and understanding something with familiarity gained through observation, learning, thinking and experience or associationis called Knowledge.

Characteristics of knowledge are
1. Knowledge is contextual and it can be re-used.
2. Benefits of knowledge obtained only if it is applied.
3. The values of knowledge may change over time.
4. Knowledge has to be renewed or maintained.
5. It can be difficult to transfer, capture and distribute knowledge.
6. It is developed through learning processes.
7. Depends on memory, past experience, expertise, knowledge transfer mechanisms, and opportunities.
8. Facilitates effectiveness and ‘sense-making’.
9. Knowledge enables higher learning.
10. Knowledge creation and utilization is enhanced with technology.

Importance of Knowledge
1. Knowledge is a success– In today’s world without education and the power of knowledge, it is not possible to succeed in life or even keep up with the fast-paced life.
It is not just enough to have knowledge on a particular subject to succeed but it is also important to have knowledge about how to use it effectively to succeed. One should have knowledge about various aspects of a subject.
2. Personal Development- Knowledge can last for a lifetime and it impacts our growth which influences everything in our life from relationships to work. Knowledge is important for personal growth and development. We can gain knowledge on everything that we find interesting like any dance form, art, architecture, history or just about anything for our personal development. It makes us wise enough to independently make our decisions in life. But it is important to adopt a positive mindset to become a constant learner only then it helps us progress and achieve our goals.
3. Knowledge solves problems– problems in life which can be solved with the power of knowledge. Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and problem-solving.
A strong base of knowledge helps brains function more smoothly and effectively. We become smarter with the power of knowledge and solve problems more easily.
4. Everyday Life- Knowledge is important and useful in day to day events.

For example, if I have to buy air tickets online, I need to have knowledge about the various sites and their discounts, their terms & conditions or like online banking. If I don’t have knowledge then I end up paying more. So gaining knowledge is a constant process and is useful every single day.

How to increase knowledge
1. Open-Minded- We always learn something new by building on the knowledge that we have. We must always be open to accepting knowledge or information from anywhere we get. It may be from books, virtual media, friends, etc. To move on from one step to another we need to know more. Like in school we start from LKG, KG and then move on to 1st standard, 2nd standard and so on. It builds a strong base.
2. Reading Magazines- Reading helps to decode text and improves fluency to pronounce the speech sounds clear. Reading gives an idea about different topics and different views about them. One can get the actual global knowledge. Apart from that one can learn many new terms and phrase.
3. Communication- Shared knowledge allows you to communicate. Shared knowledge is important for communicating and understanding each other. When we discuss a certain topic with classmates, friends or relatives they have certain knowledge about it. So through communication, we get new ideas, facts and develops our knowledge. We can also identify what have we learned and what still we don’t know that helps us to clear our doubts later.
4. Watch documentaries or educational videos- Discovery Channel, for example, provides excellent documentaries that keep you engaged. If you don’t like reading, this is an excellent alternative to getting your daily dose of knowledge while still relaxing in your couch!

The more knowledge we have the more power we possess. It is important for our personal and professional development and leads us to achieve success in life. Knowledge helps us in several ways but the best part is that it helps us understand ourselves as well as those around us better. It also helps us act wisely in different situations.


Mr. Kishore C N
(Deputy General Manager – Ground Services)

Pulse of Wisdom

Never Give up

Gratitude to Team - Ground Services - At the outset, I would like to take this opportunity through this write up to express my sincere gratitude to one and all at Ground Services who have extended their commendable support in holding the fort during the unprecedented pandemic COVID19 times and continuing to extend the same support remarkably in these tough times that we are going through now.

Even bad times end - This turbulent phase too shall pass, and the day is not too far!! We are pretty sure that we will bounce back very strongly, even more than before, with ostentatious colour to paint the skies in RED. Just hold tight!

Uncertainties - Any Unfavourable situations, challenges and circumstances, i.e.; inclement weather conditions, natural calamities, disasters, etc. are inevitable in nature, which pose a significant risk and impact, and the aviation sector too is not an exemption to it.

Turning obstacles into opportunities - We “SG” don’t leave any stone unturned and will explore to make things workable and favourable in unfavourable times. That’s the specialty of us!

One of the classic example I would like to mention here is about our strategy for business continuity to keep us stay afloat during COVID 19 lockdown phase. We’ve worked and explored on all the possibilities to generate revenue during the lockdown phase and have come up with some incredible ideas like converting passenger aircraft to cargo fleet for essential supplies as cargo, Vaccine supplies, Charter flights, and Rescue / evacuation flights to get our fellow nationals back to homeland. We did really well and this worked as astounding head turner and caught the attention of the competition also who tried to copy us but couldn’t compete or match up to our level, as we did exceptionally well.

Although we had many restrictions, limitations, safety protocols and guidelines through central, state, WHO, Health ministry, etc., but still we made this possible by adhering to all the laid down guidelines and protocols with extraordinary cooperation, coordination and team work amongst all the departments and verticals.

This was just one of the recent worst ever case scenario where the aviation industry across the globe was at a standstill for the first time ever in the history …… and how well we coped up with the challenges and handled it favourably! Apart from this experience, in my 15+ years of association with SG, we have come across many ups & downs and management change. One thing that remains unchanged is that noting could stop us from flying (whereas few airlines in our country in the last decade have gone defunct, which includes 02 full service carriers out of which one with over 02 decades of flying). It is evident and proved by us that nothing is difficult for us to revamp, regain and capture the market as we are the most preferred airline.

Take away “Never Give Up” - We should rely and believe in our ability and strength as a Company that we are highly capable and adaptive to match up our frequency to cope up with any uncertainties. We have hands of expertise at top notch level at HO under the able leadership of our CMD who are working day in and day out relentlessly to get us out of the bumpy clouds. Let’s just fasten our seat belts, remain positive and stay focused in our deliverables. “Hard times always lead to something great!”

All we can, and have to do, is to stay committed and united to deliver the exemplary Ground Services at airports as always, to make our passenger’s airport experience the best, most comfortable and a memorable one, to make SpiceJet as their first choice!

“When it rains, it pours … but soon the sun shines again”. Stay Positive – Better days are on their way!

Happy flight handling!!!

Hot Shots

Pradyumna Sharma

Journey of the Dream to Fly

Do you really thing that aircrafts fly because of the massive and high powered engines…….??

They only help the aircraft to move forward and fast……but do not lift aircrafts!

The lift is result of difference of air speed and resultant air pressure above and below the wings.

Daniel Bernoulli, a Swiss mathematician, who published this discovery in 1738 in his book Hydrodynamics discussed this principle called Bernoulli’s Principle, which stated in simple words that “An increase in the speed of a fluid occurs simultaneously with a decrease in pressure”.

That means that if we increase speed of a fluid, its pressure will decrease. This principle is used to lift the aircraft in the air.

The wings are designed in such a way that the air flowing past the top surface of an aircraft wing is moving faster than the air flowing past the bottom surface of the wing. As a result, the pressure on top of the wing is lower than the pressure at bottom of the wing. Below is the cross section of aircraft wing (Aerofoil) and result of winds acting on it.

As we know the universal law that air moves from higher pressure to lower pressure, it also lifts the aircrafts.

Below are link to some videos to understand the facts better

By: Pradyumna Sharma

Spicy Talents

Megha Mahadik (DEL)

Hello There, Everyone!!I am one of the members of SpiceJet family and I am so proud to say that SpiceJet not only enhancing my civil aviation knowledge but also giving my opportunities to continue my sports career. ☺

The SpiceJet team has always supported and appreciated talent for martial arts. I never had an intension of being in the martial arts field, but once in my school days my sports instructor said " LADKI HO, SELF DEFENCE KE LIYE HI SIKH LO" and this particular dialogue change my life and was my turning point. I was introduced to the martial arts and since then, it has become an integral part of my daily routine.

Judo has taught me discipline, focus, and perseverance. It has helped me develop physical strength and agility, while also improving my mental toughness. Through Judo, I have learnt to set goals and work hard towards achieving them!

In no time my interest became my passion, I played 3 times National Level games, where I represented my state and secured one silver and one bronze. I played in three tournaments for Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat civil. JUDO became my professional game. But in the busy schedule of life I did not get chance to practice and continue my game but as soon as I joined SpiceJet,my talent was recognised and now soon I will represent SpiceJet in coming days.

Not only Judo, I am a creative writer as well. I represented my school at state level competitions in this field.☺ I would like to tell everyone that Judo is not just a sport; it is a way of life that teaches you valuable lessons both on and off the mat. It has taught me humility in victory and grace in defeat. It has also instilled in me a sense of respect for others regardless of their background or skill level.

Megha Mahadik
Security Executive
SpiceJet – New Delhi

Spicy Talents

Sanjay V (COK)

Cyclist, Marathon Runner

I am Sanjay from Kerala, working as a Senior Customer Service Executive at SpiceJet since Feb 2017. Before I became interested in cycling and running, I played football. After joining the aviation industry, I didn't have enough time to play football daily due to shifts. So I started thinking about switching to another sport, and I got to know that some of my friends do cycling. I commenced researching cycling.

During cycling, I met many professional cyclists, and also get a chance to spend time with them. These high level cyclists shared their experiences, stories, and situations they faced. That inspired me a lot, so I started to participate in all events organized by different cycling clubs. In some events, I came in fourth and higher. Then I began practicing as soon as I arrived home from the airport. It is very challenging to practice in the early mornings after the shift due to tiredness and climate conditions. But after practicing, I won some trophies and medals at events!

When I got recognition and people congratulated me, I felt so happy. This is because at that time I realized if you do diligent work or show commitment to something, at the end of the day it will pay back in pleasant moments. In between, I started participating in marathon events to get extra energy and strength for my body. In marathons too, after practicing and dedication, I started winning trophies and medals. I took cycling and running seriously and practiced continuously. By God's grace, I took classes and seminars regarding cycling and running in some schools.

When you do any kind of sports activity, not only do you receive trophies and medals, but also your health will be in excellent condition. Everybody has their own goals, visions, and expectations to achieve. A couple of cycling events I have participated in over the years include 200KM & 300KM BRM, 100KM Muziris, etc.

In running I did two half marathons (21KM),18KM,15KM,13KM,10KM, etc. Right now, I have set a vision to participate in the Paris Brest Paris long-distance cycling event in 2027 (considered the Olympics of Cycling) and run in some all-India marathon events.

I want to tell everyone that if you have a serious vision or goal to achieve something big, so many things will go against you. If you work hard and have 100 % commitment towards the goals, you can overcome all the obstacles and win one day. But for that first, you have to set your mind to do that, keep on practicing and give your 100% to your goal!

Sanjay V
Senior Customer Service Executive
SpiceJet – Kochi

My City My Place

GORAKHPUR The name "Gorakhpur" comes from the Sanskrit Gorakshapuram, which means abode Of Gorakhnath, a renowned ascetic who was a prominent saint of the Nath Sampradaya

Gorakhpur has been the land of ancient glory and medieval mysticism. It is endowed with magnificent monuments / temples of attraction. Gorakhnath Temple, Vishnu Temple, Geeta Vatika, Arogya Mandir, Gita Press and Gita Vatika are the famous places any tourist would like to visit.

Gorakhpur is situated about 100 km from the Nepal border, 193 km from Varanasi, 260 km from Patna and 270 km from Lucknow. It is one of the flood vulnerable districts in Eastern Uttar Pradesh.


Nauka Vihar Boating is one of those very exciting places which one can ever get to see in a city like Gorakhpur. In noka vihar you can enjoy the deferent types of boating and you can have fun in neer nikunj Water Park situated near noka vihar. Hence it will be fun to visit noka vihar. People also enjoy watching musical fountain show at the time of evening.

The National Rail Museum proudly states the story of the world's fourth-largest railway network. The story started long back in 1853 with a passenger train that ran between Bombay's Bori Bandar to Thane. This Museum innovates itself with modern ideas to preserve all the history of Indian Railways under its dwelling.

This museum is a must if you have visited Gorakhpur with children. A toy train was there at a very cheap price. You will get to know the history of Indian railways there. The rail museum of Gorakhpur is near to Gorakhpur railway station.

While the primary attraction that the Geeta Vatika has for visitors is religious in nature, it is also a delight for those who would like to dwell a bit on India’s ancient history and take in some of her architectural splendor. Spread over 5.2 acres of land, it is most renowned for the temple of Sri Radha Krishna.

The Geeta Vatika was founded by Swami Hanuman Prasad Poddar, who was also the founder-editor of Kalyan. He lived on the premises of this place for 45 years, and set up the Hanuman Prasad Poddar Memorial Samiti here. The Shri Radha Krishna Meditation Centre is a product of the efforts of the Samiti, and so is the temple of Sri Radha Krishna, where constant prayers are carried out for Krishna’s divine love, Radha.


Kushinagar is a town in the Kushinagar district in Uttar Pradesh, India. Located 53 kilometres (33 miles) east of Gorakhpur on National Highway 27, Kushinagar is an important and popular Buddhist pilgrimage site, where Buddhists believe Gautama Buddha attained parinirvana.


When the Buddha reached his eightieth year, he felt that his time in this world was approaching an end. The budhha soul left his body at kushinagar

Originally his ashes were to go only to the Sakya clan, to which the Buddha belonged. However, six other clans and a king demanded the ashes of the Buddha. In order to resolve this dispute, a Brahmin named Drona divided the ashes of the Buddha into eight portions.


Sonauli is a town, near city of Maharajganj in Maharajganj district in Uttar Pradesh, India. It located on the Indo-Nepal Border and is a well-known and most famous transit point between India and Nepal.

The Sonauli India–Nepal border crossing or Sonauli Integrated Check Post in Uttar Pradesh is the most popular and designated Integrated Check Posts (ICP), with both customs and immigration facilities. Sonauli is around 90 km from Gorakhpur, which is the nearest major city


Ayodhyā) is a city situated on the banks of the Saryu River in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. Ayodhya is connected by road to several major cities and towns, including Lucknow (130 km [81 mi]), Gorakhpur (140 km [87 mi]), Varanasi (200 km [120 mi]).

The legendary city of Ayodhya, popularly identified as the present-day Ayodhya, is the birthplace of the Hindu deity Rama of Kosala and setting of the great epic Ramayana and its many versions.


Mr. T. R Rajaganesh Ramanan
(Duty Supervisor – Chennai)

May Day – Labour Day

Labor Day, popularly known as May Day, is dedicated to the working class and encourages them to be conscious of their rights. It is also known as the International Workers' Day. May Day is observed every year on May 1. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), Labor Day is observed in more than 80 countries around the world. Some of the countries where Labor Day is celebrated include the United States, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, Japan, Russia, Brazil,Cuba and India, among others.On this day, people across the world honour and recognize the contributions and achievements of the labour movement and workers.

History and significance of May Day:
Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement in the United States in the 19th Century. In 1889, the Marxist International Socialist Congress adopted a resolution for a great international demonstration in which they demanded that the workers should not be made to work for more than 8 hours a day. After this, it became an annual event and May 1 was celebrated as Labour Day.

May Day was first celebrated on May 1, 1890, after it was declared by the first International Congress of Socialist Parties in Europe on July 14, 1889. It was declared for the workers in Paris to dedicate every year on May 1 as the 'Workers Day of International Unity and Solidarity'. May 1 in Europe has historically been linked with rural traditional farmers' festivals but later May Day became associated with the modern labour movement.

In India, the first Labour Day was celebrated in 1923 in Chennai. This day was observed by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. On this day, communist leader Malayapuram Singaravelu Chettiar asked the government that May 1 should observed to symbolize the efforts and work of the workers. This day is also known as Kamgar Divas, Kamgar Din and Antrarashtriya Shramik Divas in India.

By Team SpicyReflection

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Dayis special day dedicated to honouring the most important woman in our lives, our mothers!

Mother is the embodiment of unconditional love and selflessness. She is the one who nurtures us from our infancy to adulthood, always putting our needs before her own. Her love is pure and unwavering, and she sacrifices everything for the happiness of her children. A mother's role in a child's life cannot be overstated. She is the first teacher, guiding us through life's challenges with her wisdom and experience. Her gentle touch can heal any wound, physical or emotional. She instills in us values that shape our character and help us become responsible adults.

A mother's love knows no bounds; it transcends all barriers of race, religion or nationality. It is a universal language that speaks to every heart. Even when we make mistakes or fall short of expectations, she never gives up on us. In conclusion, a mother's love is an unparalleled force that shapes our lives in countless ways. It is a gift that we should cherish every day and honour with gratitude and respect.

Mother’s Day is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. The day is an opportunity to express gratitude and love towards our mothers for their unconditional love, care, and support. The origin of Mother’s Day can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome when people used to celebrate spring festivals in honour of maternal goddesses. However, the modern-day celebration of Mother’s Day was first observed in 1908 by Anna Jarvis in memory of her mother.

On this day, children across the world shower their mothers with gifts, flowers, cards, and hugs. Families gather together to enjoy meals and spend quality time with their mothers. It is a day when we acknowledge all that our mothers have done for us throughout our lives. Mother’s Day reminds us that we should appreciate and cherish our mothers every single day because they are truly irreplaceable. They are the ones who have shaped us into who we are today.

Therefore, let us take this opportunity to show them how much they mean to us and make them feel special on this wonderful occasion!

By: Team SpicyReflection

By: Raymond Henry
(Manager – Ground Services)

Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a critical aspect of any organization’s success. It refers to the level of commitment and involvement that employees have towards their work and the organization as a whole. Engaged employees are highly motivated, productive, and loyal to their employers. They are more likely to go above and beyond their job requirements, take initiative, and contribute to the overall success of the company.

Employee engagement is essential because it leads to better performance and increased profitability for the company. Engaged employees tend to be more innovative and creative in their work, leading to improved products or services. They also provide better customer service, resulting in higher customer satisfaction rates.

There are several factors that contribute to employee engagement, including effective communication, recognition and rewards for good performance, opportunities for growth and development, a positive work environment, fair treatment, and a sense of purpose in the work being done.

Organizations that prioritize employee engagement tend to have higher levels of productivity, profitability, customer satisfaction, and employee retention rates. They also tend to attract top talent who value a supportive workplace culture.

In conclusion, employee engagement is crucial for organizational success. By creating an environment where employees feel valued and motivated to contribute their best efforts towards achieving common goals can lead an organization towards greater heights of success.

Raymond Henry (Manager – Ground Services)

Appreciation All Around – Keep Up The Great Work!!

Click of the month

Customer Delight Moments & Celebrations at Airports

Happy Moments with passengers

Happy Moments with Mr. Jackie Shroff

Mahavir Jayanti


Happy Moments with passengers

Song Dedicated by Customer

Easter Video


Fun Friday - Glimpses

Women’s Day

Women’s Day Celebration


India’s Traditional New Year Celebration

India’s Traditional New Year Celebration

India’s Traditional New Year Celebration


India’s Traditional New Year Celebration

India’s Traditional New Year Celebration


Customer Delight Moments

Celebrations at Airports

G20 Operations at Delhi & Pantnagar

Happy moment with the Super Star Mr. Sampath raj Sir

Happy Moments with the great actor Mr. Rahul Roy

Recently we had with us the Lok Sabha member Mrs. Bharti Shiyal at Bhavnagar😊!! Great moment

Recently we were filled with energy in the presence of a Dance master Ganesh Acharyaa Sir!!

Happy Moments with the beautiful Ms. Sameera Reddy

It was a great moment with singer Mr. Parthiv Gohil

The energy was high with Youtuber Mr. Vikas Fhatak also known as Hindustani Bhau

We were excited to meet the versatile actor Mr.Sharad Kelkar

We were pleased to have Mr. Randeep Huda with us at Mumbai

We were pleased to meet the great writer Mr. Chetan Bhagat at Gwalior

India's Traditional New Year celebrations at Airports

Winner of the SpicyReflection Quiz - April 2023 Edition

Mr. Madhu Daruru (Supervisor – Tirupati)

Winner of Most Liked Video Contest – April 2023 Edition

Team – HO

Winner of the Click of the Month Contest - April 2023 Edition

Mr. Bibin Babu (BLR)

Just Laugh

Contributions By: Mr. Vishnu Ramesan (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Ms. Poonam Yadav (Sr. Manager – Ground Services), Mr. Vikas Poonia (Dy. Manager – Ground Services), and Mr. Manish Tomar (Sr. Executive – ground Services)

Compiled and Presented By: Mr. Raymond Henry (Manager-Ground Services)

Answer & Win - Employee Quiz (April 2023)

Motivational Videos

A Short Story Student Motivation



Upcoming !

Please share your Ideas/Articles with us by 15th May 2023 at spicyreflection@spicejet.com